Community Service 2016 & 2017
Every December Pack 302 spends time giving back. This year during our Pack meeting we donated 315 meals to those in need. We also made blankets for sick children sponsored by Project Linus. The Scouts donated their Halloween candy to a Madison No Fear Dentistry who honored the request of the kids to trade candy for toothbrushes and toothpaste to donate to the homeless. The candy then was shipped to our Troops overseas! A double benefit! he Scouts also made well over 100 Blessing Bags for the homeless. The Blessing Bags were filled with toiletries, socks, hats gloves and snacks the Scouts collected during our Blessing Bag Drive. They also filled stockings for formally homeless/recently housed people for their first holiday in their new home. They also made activity kits for sick children at UW Children's hospital. They made scarves and attached hand warmers and notes of cheer. The scarves were hung on trees downtown for those in need. The Scouts are really great at making cards for the elderly. They made over 50 cards and they were delivered to our friends at Capitol Lakes Retirement Home. Last, but not least, these Scouts and their awesome families collected gifts for a family who may have not had anything for Christmas this year. The Scouts delivered on this with a plethora of gifts! One lucky child even received a super awesome trike! The Scouts of Pack 302 wrapped every single gift for this family.
After our Pack meeting, the Webelos II Den visited Santas without Chimneys and helped wrap gifts for families in need. Additionally, several Pack members showed up to feed the homeless, hand out our Blessing Bags and tie the scarves to the trees that they made at the Pack meeting.
After our Pack meeting, the Webelos II Den visited Santas without Chimneys and helped wrap gifts for families in need. Additionally, several Pack members showed up to feed the homeless, hand out our Blessing Bags and tie the scarves to the trees that they made at the Pack meeting.
Flag Retirement Ceremony - 2014 |
One very special event that Pack 302 took part in was a flag retirement ceremony. The Webelos led this awesome ceremony along with Den Leader Randy Primozic. The Scouts understood the importance of this ceremony and were very respectful as we conducted the burning of these flags. It is events like these that make scouting really special. Thanks to Randy and the Webelos for this great experience!